Happy Birthday Facebook!

When looking for topics to discuss this week I wanted to compare the newest mainstream social media and to one of the oldest: Facebook. What I discovered seemed more interesting to me, Facebook will be celebrating its first year of being a teenager this week! Yes, you read that correctly. Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook on the campus of Cambridge thirteen years ago, this February 4. Here are 13 facts you may or may not have known about Facebook.

  1. Facebook began as a way to judge people on the college campus and discuss whether certain people where “Hot or Not”. Now it has the reputation that your grandma uses it to see all the family baby pictures. 1
  2. They have an international headquarters in Dublin, Ireland and their U.S. headquarters is in Menlo Park, California.1
  3. They went public in 2012 and you could buy a share for $38USD. Shares can now be bought for around $118USD.2
  4. In October 2012 Facebook had a monthly active users of one billion. Now the users are around 1.79 billion.1
  5. You can change the language to pirate speak. Instead of news feed or home page you get home port and so much more. 1
  6. On April 6, 2016 Facebook announced Facebook Live, allowing users to live stream events.3
  7. India has 142 million users and is closer to passing the amount of U.S. users.2
  8. Mark Zuckerberg wants to get into virtual reality and owns the virtual reality company Oculus VR Inc.1
  9. Originally you had to be invited to join Facebook. (My older cousin was invited while he was in college at Elon University and yes, I had to look up his profile to make sure that was the right university.) 1
  10. Up until 2005 it was thefacebook.com.1
  11. Facebook is mostly blue because Mark Zuckerberg has red-green color blindness. 1
  12. Facebook also owns WhatsApp and Instagram.1
  13. In September 2016, there were reportedly 15,724 employees at Facebook.2

There you have it thirteen facts to celebrate. Happy Birthday Facebook. Enjoy your teenage years try to keep those embarrassing photos off social media.


1: Stroianni, B. (2016, February 4). 12 fun facts about Facebook on its 12th birthday. Retrieved from CBS News: www.cbsnews.com
2: Facebook Fast Facts. (2017, January 18). Retrieved from CNN: www.cnn.com

3: Facebook. (2017, January 27). Retrieved from Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org


  1. I think these were actually amazing facts that a lot of people would have never known. I frequently use Whatsapp because that is what people in other countries use to communicate. In Ecuador for example, they don't have the same cellular plans that we do in the U.S. They can only charge per text or phone call and that gets really expensive. So, instead of actually texting off their phones they will download that Whatsapp which serves as an application for all the same things. They can text, call, and video chat through the app. So in order for me to communicate with my family - we use this application or Facebook (what are the odds). Also, I feel like I should have known that Instagram was also owned by Facebook, but I didn't.


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