A Life Changing Website

I have decided to share my absolute favorite website with my readers today. It has changed my life. By that I mean I waste time when I should be in class or studying. It is a site I have known about for a few years and discovered by this wonderful YouTube video. If you do not have time to watch the video I’ll fill you in on it. It is by a group that produces a short 5 minute or less musical every week. This one is Procrastination the Musical. I am sure I found it by procrastinating on homework. I do not recommend watching a bunch of their work if you need to study, but watch them if you need a pick me up. It is in the beginning of the song that she says “just one more page on I waste so much time dot com. I decide to see if that was a real website and found out that it is. I present to you all iwastesomuchtime.com!
My disclaimer is that yes, it is a website on the internet so you are never sure what you will get. They post about a page worth of content a day and are like any other funny website out there. They have memes, reposts, videos, heartwarming content, and just about anything else. It is the type of content that should be on websites more because almost none of it is harmful. They have buttons to share different posts to you other websites and have a list of other websites they edit as well. Including my other favorite: iwastesomuchmoney.com which is online shopping for things you do not really need. If you are not like me and do not want to be in a downward spiral vortex of wasting time check out the best of all time page to get the very best things on the site. I will admit that this is not the only funny website I get on but it does tend to have content first then I see it on other sites. When every you have time check out the site. If nothing else, it will put you in a better mood. Just to prove that I’m sharing a few of the better posts with you. I hope they make your day better in some way. 


  1. I'm a pro-procrastinator, so thank you for giving me another thing to avoid my homework/studying! I had no idea this existed and I love looking at funny stuff (the picture about the failed service dog is hilarious). I'm scared to scroll through your second website because I am such an impulse buyer, but from taking a quick look at it I could totally get sucked in and avoid doing my work (and probably blow way too much money for no reason at all).

  2. I have time on my hands everyday, and sometimes, I have nothing to do. Thank you for sharing iwastesomuchtime.com. I checked it out and the next thing you know, I had been on there for 10 minutes. It really is a great website, thanks for sharing it. I have told my mom about the website and I am waiting to hear what she says.


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