Chapter 6 Pinterest

Chapter 6 in "Social Media Marketing Workbook" is all about Pinterest. Pinterest is the social media site for shopping. Not the actual purchasing of items but gathering ideas and planning your purchases out. It is extremely helpful for projects that require a lot of help and planning. A few examples of that would be buying a house, planning a wedding or in my experience getting a little in a sorority.
The idea behind Pinterest is you search for things you would like to buy or make. You then pin them onto a board. Each board can be themed. An example of some of my boards are canvas ideas, little’s crafts, Harry Potter, and funny things. The most recent board I created was for decorating my cap for graduation. I do not have many pins on this board yet because I do not have the cap yet so I cannot start. Boards are easy to start I have around 26 different boards. Your friends can follow you so you can share ideas or boards easily. One feature that I am learning about is the collaboration option. You and a friend can team up and post different ideas onto the same board to share.

My Top 5 Things to Pin:
  1. Food
    • A newer trend on Pinterest has been the recipe boards. They are how to make the dish posts or links to page with the how to. This trend is now being seen across all social media platforms because food is a shared common and most of it looks amazing.
  2. Clothes
    • Fashion tips and fashion blogs consume Pinterest. Ideas from everyday wear to wedding dresses are easy to search for and coordinate.
  3. Makeup/Hairstyles
    • This is where my roommate spends all her time. She is amazing with makeup and every time we go to a store she is trying to find a new item that she saw on Pinterest. Hairstyles fall under the how-to category because the steps are easy to follow unless you are like me and cannot do hair to save your life.
  4. Crafts
    • I must admit that crafts are about 90% of my boards. Everything from my sorority to my crayon art phase (I have about six different types of melted crayon master pieces on my wall and about ten half used boxes of crayons in my art box).
    • I believe I started this board to have ideas of crafts but it became more inspirational for me. My favorite Dr. Seuss book is The Lorax and my favorite quote that I pinned was “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not”.

While Pinterest has a reputation for being a site for women, more men are starting to get on. Anything can be found on Pinterest. Have fun pinning!


  1. I love Pinterest so much. I post so many things on it from clothing to funny things to tattoo ideas. It is such a big help when I am trying to get creative with things. I don't know how many times I have used it to find a gift idea. I'm going to be moving into a new house within the year and I'm going to be using Pinterest to set up my new room!

  2. I love and hate Pinterest at the same time! It has such great ideas but at the same time so many people are using the same ideas and then they're unoriginal. Also now a days there's so many advertisements and scammers on Pinterest... remember the days before too many people knew about Pinterest and you had to actually request to join... lol!


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